Links of Interest

Links of Interest

The following websites contain helpful information and pictures. Just click on the links below to go to the website page that is described.


Periodontal Disease

This link contains an article that covers the types and causes of periodontal disease. It includes illustrations and possible treatments.


Periodontal Disease Risk Factors

This link discusses the different risk factors that can predispose to periodontal disease.


Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

This link lists the symptoms associated with periodontal disease.


Smoking & Periodontal Disease

This link provides information on how smoking may be one of the most important risk factors in the development of periodontal disease.


Possible Medical Complications

This link covers how periodontal disease can adversely affect your general health.


Diabetes & Periodontal Disease

This link contains information on how diabetes increases periodontal disease and how periodontal disease can also increase diabetes.


Cardiovascular Disease & Periodontal Disease

This link contains information on relationship between heart disease, stroke and periodontal disease and how periodontal disease.


Other Systemic Disease & Periodontal Disease

This link contains information on relationship between osteoporosis, respiratory disease, and cancer and periodontal disease and how periodontal disease.


Women & Periodontal Disease

This link contains information to help women avoid periodontal (gum) disease and protect their oral health.

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